Inward processing: How to maximize the
benefits for your company

The special inward processing regime proves to be a strategic lever for companies carrying out transformations or repairs of products. It offers the possibility of temporarily importing third-party goods under duty suspension and taxes before transforming them and re-exporting the finished products obtained.

One of the main characteristics of this regime lies in the ability of companies to import non-EU while benefiting from a suspension of customs duties and VAT. This suspension remains in force as long as the finished products are intended to be re-exported.

The advantages of inward processing are considerable. First, it allows companies to achieve significant financial savings. Exemption from import duties generates an immediate positive impact on cash flow.

Second, inward processing presents benefits in terms of paperwork. Companies face fewer administrative problems and customs formalities, which reduces the workload associated with temporary importation.

This results in significant time savings and process optimization.

To benefit from the economic customs regime of inward processing, the company must follow several crucial steps :

  • Contact the procedures department of the relevant customs office.
  • Complete a request that specifies the customs conditions of authorization,
  • Maintain detailed material accounting, indicating the details of material inputs and outputs in their transformed form.


In conclusion, by following these steps, companies can not only take advantage of financial and operational benefits of inward processing but also guarantee their compliance with customs requirements.

Inward processing becomes a comprehensive strategy to optimize international operations in companies.